This is an open invitation to collaborate on a project addressing both overcoming mental health issues and improving student success.
This package program is designed to implement all the functions and services of the Preventative School Counseling Program gradually to all students and teachers in schools and districts over a three-year period.
Produce and achieve long-term solutions
By the use of strength-based positive psychology
We help students to develop meaningful purpose and healthy living habits, and to spread these same characteristics to more students while enhancing school spirit and community in the process.
Students can grow motivationally and character-wise for the future while passionately pursuing healthy and productive interests
We Build a strong peer mentoring support program and encourage students to learn positive psychology and positive behavioral development approaches.
Our 3-year program allows students to take ownership in the process and to serve as peer leaders throughout their community.
This essentially allows positive psychology to spread as more students are trained and become aware members of our program.
Register to learn more on how our three-year package can help improve your school or district education performance.
One month of training, surveys, and reports
3 - 6 months of teachers’ training, the intervention application process, follow-up procedures
One month of surveys, comparative reports, determination of upcoming steps
Note: Schools/Districts can decide which steps they want to apply.
Our training is designed for school counselors and teachers which includes theories and practices below.