The program Academic Window provides an overall cross-section of students’ social-emotional well-being. It begins with each student answering a series of questions that plots their self-esteem,self-perception, peers’ perceptions, and teachers’ perceptions. Once these are plotted, this datum is then utilized to inform students and teachers to maximize students’ strengths. This program addresses a range of varying leveled obstacles from anything as seriously exigent as Bullying, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, and Suicide, to other hindrances such as: Isolation, Organization, Motivation, and Peer Interaction; potential hindrances faced by every high schooler with little experience, who must learn as they go through what for some are the most difficult years of life.
In the past, we always evaluated students as a group and tried to find general solutions according to their actions or behaviors, but now, thanks to the Academic Window, we can see the weaknesses and strengths of individual students and help them accordingly. With the help of Academic Window we learn a lot of details about students.
More importantly, children can notice their own strengths and weaknesses and take steps by themselves. Academic Window helps students to increase their self-awareness. I think that this is the key point of this program."
…Academic Window is an online, empirically based tool developed to meet this requirement not only in higher education, but also in primary and secondary schools. The overarching purpose of Academic Window is the facilitation of efficient and effective school counseling. Its content design and technological platform permit confidential collaboration among students, counselors, and teachers with the goal of improving students’ academic performance and personal growth. Academic Window integrates the SWOT model to help students become more self-aware and to learn how they are perceived by their peers and teachers. In addition, teachers can come to know their students more objectively and fully, and can track changes in their academic, personal, and social development.Academic Window is a recent advancement in school counseling that has been recognized as having much potential in the holistic education of students.”
The developed scale by Dr. Ugur and his colleagues from Canada for Academic Window is a significant contribution in the field that can help educationalists, counselors and social scientists better understand the concept of self-awareness and self-concept among students. These concepts are central to designing appropriate intervention for school students’ academic and social development. Along with teachers’ evaluation of one’s personality, self-assessment and peer assessment are equally critical in providing feedback and improving self-awareness. I hope that using MRSVC, the research community will be able to generate quality data which in turn will provide beneficial outcomes for the students in the community.”
Academic Window helps promote communication among students, faculty, advisors, and career center personnel to enhance students’ personal growth. This research is being undertaken with an international team of researchers. This speaks to his abilities in collaboration and communication as well as his efficacy as a scholar. I was honored to be involved in the Academic Window research team. We co-authored an article entitled “Using Technology to Increase Student Self-Awareness and Consciousness through Matching Level-appropriate Automatic Messages.”